Why do I paint Skulls?

Is it that I am interested in what is beneath the surface of things - bones, patterns, and a person’s inner mythologies?

Is it my formative years as an angsty little metal head, honing my clumsy skills by copying Iron Maiden’s mascot Eddie from album covers?

Or my psychedelic wanderings as a young starry-eyed Dead Head, where fecund flowers adorned frolicking skeletons and grinning skulls on many a t-shirt and poster?

Is it that in a fragmented world a human skull can stand for ­all of humanity?

Women, men, rich, poor, any race, color, or creed.

A universal stand in for the full range of human emotion and endeavor.

Every possible expression contained in that one object beneath the skin, waiting to be expressed?

Is it that it is an object that embodies the whole cycle of both life and death?

Personifying the dance of the natural world?